Windows 10 Creator Update

Das Windows 10 Creators Update steht bereit. Dieses scheint mir keine schlechte Sache zu sein. Allerdings dauert das Update je nach PC und Internetanbindung mindestens 30 Minuten. Gewöhnlich eher eine Stunde.
Wenn Sie im Geschäft nicht ungewollt Pause machen wollen, lassen Sie dieses doch zu Randstunden vin Justme IT auf allen PC`s machen, so dass Ihre Belegschaft nicht warten muss.

QNAP FW-Update

QNAP FW Update:

4.2.3 build 20170121

QTS 4.2.3


– TwonkyMedia is no longer supported. Use the DLNA Media Server built into QTS as your DLNA server.
[Bug fixes]- Fixed an issue where Qfinder could not display the direct link IP address of the second Mac when users connected two Macs to the NAS via Thunderbolt.
– Fixed an issue where users could not select pre-defined domain names when sharing files via emails or to social networking websites in Photo Station.
– Fixed an issue where administrators could not access the @Recycle folder via SMB after applying folder permission settings.
– Fixed an issue where the RTC (real-time clock) time would change after users enabled the NTP service and then restarted the NAS.
– Fixed an issue where File Station would display the string „online streaming“ in Japanese when the system language was set to Korean.
– Fixed an issue where a dialog box that was expected to appear did not pop up when users performed „Replace Disks One by One“ on a legacy volume in Storage Manager.
– Fixed an issue where all internal and external antivirus scan jobs would disappear from the scan job list when users attempted to scan external folders after unplugging external drives.
– Fixed an issue where users could not access Ubuntu 16.04 via the remote desktop URL in Linux Station.
– Fixed an issue where search results in File Station would not include files stored not in their owner’s folders when users searched by file owners.
– Fixed an issue where users could not transfer multiple files via AFP due to splicing issues.
– Fixed heap overflow vulnerabilities.
– Fixed firmware update vulnerabilities. For more information, see solution NAS-201701-18 in QNAP Security Bulletins and Advisories.